Creating (and sticking to) a beauty routine is an easy undertaking when you do it right. If you can commit to a few extra minutes each day, you will see real results after a while. But it does take day after day dedication. And while the process feels awkward at first, the long-lasting results are always worth it in the end. 

Creating your beauty routine is similar to any other routine in your life—it takes a solid foundation that is able to overcome discouragement or setbacks. The essential first step? Do it for yourself. Creating a routine so you can reap the results should be a personal victory. If you commit to a routine for the sole purpose of self-care, you’ll find far more satisfaction and motivation to stick with it. Find fulfillment in the journey so you’re that much more appreciative of the result. While building your new beauty routine, try to factor in these 5 key pieces:

  1. Set realistic intentions

When it comes to creating a beauty routine, start small. 3-4 steps twice per day will make a huge impact over time. Rather than go from zero (washing your face in the shower) to 100 (a 12-step beauty routine), find a happy medium as a starting off point. Plus, a short beauty routine can be just as impactful—you’ll be more likely to commit to it for a long period of time if it only takes a few minutes to complete. 

  1. Make a list

Speaking of lists, map out exactly what your goals are. Healthier looking hair? Longer lashes? Write down your top priorities, the time it will take for you to (hopefully) see results and the products you’ll need to get there. Writing something down helps you commit it to memory far more than if you just try to remember it yourself. You could even tape the note to your mirror to remind yourself where you started and what you’re hoping to achieve. 

  1. Take it for a test drive

When it comes to creating your routine, think critically. You can always go back to the drawing board and tweak it until you’re happy with it. Be sure to keep in mind the times of day you feel most productive. Also, look at your day as a whole—are you applying your products at the right time for maximum efficacy? For example, are you doing your beauty routine, then working out and sweating it off? If you plan to commit to this beauty routine for a significant amount of time, make sure you’re being the most efficient with your time and application process. 

  1. Commit to consistency 

A successful routine takes time. On average, it takes a person 66 days to form an automatic habit. Changing the process you go through in the morning and before bed can feel uncomfortable and unnatural for a while, but it will become more familiar if you stick with it. Make it fun for yourself—put on some music, light a candle and take the time to pause and enjoy a soothing beauty routine. 

  1. Put your products on display

The easiest way to remember your routine? Put your products in a visible place. NULASTIN® products are sleek and don’t take up much space—they’re a simple way to add some sophistication to your bathroom. Plus, having them accessible saves you a few precious seconds when doing your morning or evening routine. 


When it comes to healthier skin, hair, lashes and brows, it doesn’t take complicated beauty routines or tedious process applications to make progress. With NULASTIN®, real results are really easy to achieve. It only takes a few minutes of your day to apply our serums, and a few months to feel rewarded by your commitment to routine.

Our entire collection supports the body’s natural ability to stimulate the replenishment of elastin while defending against matrix protein damage caused by aging, stress, sun exposure, weight changes and other factors. You can try NULASTIN® risk-free because every one of our products is backed by a 100% Performance Guarantee. If our product(s) do not perform to your expectations, you can exchange or return them at any time [Terms and Conditions Apply].