If you’re seeing more hair in your brush or on your pillow, you’re not alone. More than 80 percent of men and nearly half of women in the U.S. will experience hair loss at some point. The good news is that treatment begins with understanding the underlying cause — and these 4 are the most common. Celebrate Hair Loss Awareness Month by jumpstarting your recovery and igniting your confidence.

Cause #1 Aging

Hair loss can begin at any age. Genetics, overall health, stress, medicines and nutrition all play a role in hair health over time. Even the rate of hair growth and shedding can change.

“Slowed hair growth and thinning of the hair shaft can be symptoms of chronological and environmental aging,” says NULASTIN® Chief Science Officer Felipe Jimenez, PhD. Why does this happen? It all comes down to biological changes that are perfectly normal. As we age, the hair growth cycle shortens, causing hair to grow thinner and fall out more easily. Hair follicles can shrink, leading to finer hair or even a halt in hair production — a key factor in male and female pattern baldness. Hormonal changes and reduced blood flow are culprits as well. Poor circulation inhibits nutrient delivery to hair follicles and a dry scalp with less elasticity makes breakage and shedding more likely.

What you can do

Genetic predisposition plays a significant role in age-related hair loss, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to stop the shed. Making healthy lifestyle changes, avoiding environmental damage, choosing gentle styling methods, and taking preventive measures with science-backed solutions like our HAIR Vibrant Scalp Treatment can make a world of difference when it comes to premature hair loss and amplifying your natural beauty.

Common Cause #2 Stress

Stress is a natural part of life, but when left unchecked, it can wreak havoc on the mind and body. This Hair Loss Awareness month, where shedding light on stress as a significant, yet often overlooked cause of premature hair loss. 

Stress typically manifests in one of three ways: acute stress (unexpected events), acute episodic stress (recurring events) and chronic stress (long-term issues). Even though these instances are distinctly different, the body's response is the same: elevated cortisol levels that impair hair growth and disrupt hair regeneration. “Stress can lead to inflammation in the scalp which, in turn, damages the root system of hair follicles which can lead to hair loss,” says Dr. Felipe.

What you can do

For immediate stress relief, engage in a creative outlet, practice progressive muscle relaxation, go for a walk, and take deep belly breaths. Though small, these actions can provide quick, effective results and have a cumulative effect to combat chronic stress. Don’t be afraid to explore how you’re feeling through mindful journaling, meditation or speaking with a trusted loved one or trained mental health professional.

Common Cause #3 Environmental Factors

Even if you remember to apply sunscreen to your face and body before spending the day outside, it’s surprisingly common to neglect your scalp when it comes to sun protection. Sun damage is actually a major hair factor in hair loss.

Remember that your scalp is part of your skin. Your hair, no matter how thick, can’t completely protect that skin from the sun’s rays. “Sun damage on the scalp can lead to inflammation which, in turn, can lead to hair loss due to damage caused to the root system of hair follicles,” says Dr. Felipe.

What you can do

We recommend wearing a lightweight hat that covers your scalp, face, neck and shoulders to defend against sun damage. Apply sunscreen generously to your part, hairline and any exposed scalp. “Sun exposure to the scalp is an environmental threat that is largely overlooked primarily because people do not associate this with hair loss. Wearing a hat, when outdoors, is an excellent way to prevent overexposure of the scalp to sunlight,” says Dr. Felipe.

Common Cause #4 Rapid Weight Loss

Though it might feel like everyone is looking for quick weight loss solutions right now, it’s important to consider overall health and impact on the body. Rapid weight loss can put undue stress on your system and potentially lead to hair loss.

“Weight loss can cause hair loss, especially when dieting is involved, due to a lack of sufficient protein consumption,” says Dr. Felipe. When you’re eating at a caloric deficit, resulting nutritional deficiencies can deprive hair follicles of essential nutrients. Beyond unmet nutritional needs, the physiological stress of rapid weight loss can trigger telogen effluvium. This is when hair prematurely enters the resting phase, interrupting the healthy growth cycle.

What you can do

The best thing you can do is approach your weight goals from an overall health perspective. Losing weight at a slower pace can be beneficial and help avoid unwanted side effects like resulting hormonal imbalances and metabolic stress that could disrupt normal hair growth. Do your best to eat a balanced diet, manage stress, and work closely with your doctor on any weight loss plans.

Our bestselling Vibrant Scalp Treatment starter pack

No matter the cause, it is possible to overcome the effects of hair loss, regain control of your look and ignite your confidence with the power of our HAIR Vibrant Scalp Treatment. Elastaplex® Technology supports all stages of the natural growth cycle while helping anchor-and-bind hair follicles at the root. The result? Visible renewal in as soon as 6 weeks with double the results in 12.