Giving birth is arguably the most beautiful event. Unfortunately, the postpartum process often brings about some unpleasant side effects for new mothers. Between the endless nursing sessions, sleep deprivation, and newly added stress, there are a number of physical side effects that are often experienced. Among the most frustrating: hair loss. While postpartum hair loss is completely normal, there are steps you can take to stop hair loss — and even grow your hair back. Below, we’ll cover what causes the loss of hair after giving birth, how to slow postpartum hair loss, and how you can reverse the damage.

What Causes Postpartum Hair Loss?

Seeing your long, luscious hair fall out in clumps can be an alarming discovery. One day, you’re going about your normal beauty routine and you suddenly discover that there are clumps of your beautiful hair tangled in the bristles of your hairbrush that weren’t there before. The first question you ask yourself: “Why is this happening?” Don’t panic. Hair loss after childbirth is perfectly normal and can be expected. But that doesn’t make it any less tolerable. Drastic changes in your hormone levels before, during, and after pregnancy can greatly affect hair growth. Also known as postpartum alopecia, postpartum hair loss affects between 40% and 50% of women in the months following childbirth. Postpartum hair loss can occur any day after your child arrives and can last up to a year. Hair loss can peak at the 4-month mark, so don’t panic if it’s been months and you’re still losing hair!

What Slows Postpartum Hair Loss?

While postpartum hair loss isn’t ideal, there are a handful of steps you can take to slow and even prevent the shedding. Here are a few simple steps you can take to proactively combat the loss of hair following pregnancy:

  • Take postpartum vitamin and mineral supplements containing iron, B12, DHA, choline, and vitamin D.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet — featuring lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein-rich foods.
  • Ensure you’re doing gentle to moderate exercising to strengthen your core muscles, boost your mood, reduce stress, and prevent back injuries. It is usually safe to begin exercising a few days after giving birth, but be sure to consult your doctor first.

What Can Help Reverse Postpartum Hair Loss?

The good news is that postpartum hair loss isn’t typically permanent. Many dermatologists actually refer to it as “excessive shedding” instead of hair loss because you’re generally losing a good amount of the hair that you grew during your pregnancy when your hormone levels were heightened. Even so, seeing a good chunk of your hair fall out can be concerning for even the calmest of us. So what can you do about it? The NULASTIN® HAIR Vibrant Scalp Treatment with Elastaplex™ Technology has been proven to offer noticeably longer, visibly fuller hair and improve the appearance of bald spots. Morning and night, gently massage the serum into the trouble area on the scalp for one minute until absorbed. In 16 weeks or less, you will begin to see a breathtaking transformation of your hair. Nourish and rejuvenate your scalp for a more vibrant head of hair using the only hair serum on the market featuring proven Elastaplex™ Technology!